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Exchange rates

27.07.2024 buy sell
AUDAUD 1,698215 1,614384
BGNBGN 1,965596 1,900200
BYNBYN 3,380000 3,000000
CADCAD 1,525431 1,461075
CHFCHF 0,983284 0,941620
CNYCNY 7,987220 7,434944
CZKCZK 25,659658 24,681905
DKKDKK 8,474576 7,500000
GBPGBP 0,865576 0,830220
GELGEL 2,965783 2,725293
HUFHUF 391,000000 375,350000
27.07.2024 buy sell
ILSILS 4,587766 3,756574
JPYJPY 170,000000 160,000000
NOKNOK 14,992503 12,095904
PLNPLN 4,284795 4,189821
RONRON 5,072503 4,745715
RUBRUB 95,500000 87,500000
SBPSBP 1,067806 0,840000
SEKSEK 12,894907 11,536549
THBTHB 39,900000 36,830901
TRYTRY 35,122695 32,253148
UAHUAH 49,505000 43,676898
USDUSD 1,104972 1,033592

Buying rate shows, how much currency must be paid to get one euro. Selling rate indicates, how much currency will you get for one euro.

Currency Exchange in Riga. Favorable currency exchange rates. It offers currency calculator Preferential rates for transactions of more than 1500 EUR.