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Exchange rates

27.10.2024 buy sell
AUDAUD 1,675678 1,589402
BGNBGN 1,965596 1,900200
BYNBYN 3,450000 3,060000
CADCAD 1,523605 1,459804
CHFCHF 0,961538 0,921659
CNYCNY 7,818608 7,272727
CZKCZK 25,504950 24,503050
DKKDKK 8,614741 7,500000
GBPGBP 0,852006 0,823045
GELGEL 2,993826 2,760540
HUFHUF 405,000000 388,500000
27.10.2024 buy sell
ILSILS 4,854369 3,891051
JPYJPY 166,950000 152,900000
NOKNOK 14,992503 12,065630
PLNPLN 4,361061 4,250406
RONRON 5,089059 4,761905
RUBRUB 104,000000 95,000000
SBPSBP 1,029310 0,823333
SEKSEK 12,950881 11,842001
THBTHB 37,314052 34,483501
TRYTRY 36,362120 33,651565
UAHUAH 50,250125 44,052863
USDUSD 1,101928 1,031992

Buying rate shows, how much currency must be paid to get one euro. Selling rate indicates, how much currency will you get for one euro.

Currency Exchange in Riga. Favorable currency exchange rates. It offers currency calculator Preferential rates for transactions of more than 1500 EUR.